Well hello fellow bloggers. It has been quite awhile. I don't even know how long. Much, I know, has happened since my last entry. The biggest thing that has happen is that I moved! Say whaat!? Yes. I moved. I moved from a little midwest town in South Dakota to a fairly large city in North Carolina. The move came with both good and bad things. I was about to list them, but I think I'm too lazy.
When I first got here, (to NC that is), I really did nothing. For a long time. Nothing. Now that it's halfway through the summer it gets absolutely crazy with work, school, and just...hanging out and having a fun summer. Today, for example, I went up to South Mountain and did hiking, and swimming in the creek. Ohhh man it was cold water. I froze but had a blast anyways. I've made lots of new friends and I believe change is healthy for a person. At least for me.
I hope to do some decorating in my room. Maybe fabric for the walls. (a confusing concept, which I also don't feel like explaining) I put up some blank paper to draw on. I also need to get started on that. Loosen up my mind. I need to get creative again.
Well look at this, I've managed to babble.
Til next time. Peace. (:
Pictures are worth a thousand words. I may not type a thousand words. But reading between the lines is the best part!